TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Buying a z thats been sitting for a while
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Subject Buying a z thats been sitting for a while
Posted by Muffinz on December 05, 2015 at 2:17 PM
  This message has been viewed 528 times.
Message I have been z-less for about 7 months, & found a 90tt for sale locally. The seller bought the car with a bad piston, had all machine work done, and reassembled it- mostly. The upper plenum is not installed, and everything needs to be hooked up still. The car has been sitting like this for about 4 years - is this bad? Or should everything be ok as long as engine turns with appropriate force? I will double check timing belt if I buy it to make sure it's on correctly. Also the car has bigger injectors on it but a stock ECU. Will it drive ok like this or require a tune to run appropriately to compensate for the larger injectors?

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